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Writer's pictureGeorge Darling

Developers posing as Cabot Creamery to avoid detection!

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Goddard College has replied that they are choosing to pursue another buyer. This other buyer has been rumored to be Cabot Creamery, but Cabot has confirmed that it is NOT them!

This means that someone was doing title searches for the Goddard campus property under the guise of Cabot Creamery.

It would appear as though Goddard is coordinating with real estate developers who are trying to conceal their actions because they know their acquisition of the campus would be opposed by the communities most affected by its takeover.

The time is NOW!

We have to FIGHT if we are going to be able to safeguard this resource, this gathering place, community resource, and home of countless revolutions!

We won't back down! 

We are going to continue to raise funding pledges to support closing the sale. We are going to raise the hammer of community force and drive a wedge into their plans. 

Together, we WILL defend and decommodify that campus!

Check out the links below to join in the resistance! 

Here is where you can sign our Action Network campaign to write emails to the Goddard College board of trustees and president, Dan Hocoy, demanding that they cease dealings with developers and make the sale to Cooperation Vermont for the preservation of the campus.

Here is where you can donate to the cause.


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